Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mondo Beyondo List Idea Generator

I've already completed my Mondo-Beyondo list, but its in hiding for a few more hours!

Right now, I'd like to see what other dreams I can uncover in my mind, with that in mind, I'm using Jen's Idea generator to see what I can find out... :)

1. Who would I love to meet?
- Paul Farmer on rounds in a boston hospital, Isabelle Allende at playgroup with her grandkids, Madeleine L'Engle at a book reading (before she passed on), Alice Waters at the Berkeley Farmer's Market, a homeless man over dinner at my house with my family around the table, Ruth Reichl at the re-launch of Gourmet Magazine, Dr. Remen for a coffee break at UCSF, Souyoung Scanlan for cheese and wine and stories, Amanda Soule to share children's wisdom and letting my children experience the practical dreamworld she has created for hers.

2. What would make my heart sing?
- 2 weeks in a stone-floor Italian country house with a spring-fed swimming pool, kind neighbors, a small farm, hills for the boys to roam on, and fresh produce for nightly cooking & feasting.
- Living on a farm. In a simple, creaky-floored home with a porch & swing. Sipping sweet tea on the back porch with my husband's arm around me while the rain comes down on the crops. Watching the boys whooping it up in the rain, running in circles around the yard.
- Simplifying & decluttering--having only what we need to live--meaningful things.
- Giving medical care in exchange for what people have--a bag of potatoes, a chicken, fence repair. Living above the office where I practice medicine. Making house calls.

3. What childish playful thing would bring me joy?
- Running around in circles--in the pouring rain.
- Running through a cornfield.
- Making snow angels.
- Climbing a tree and sitting there for a few hours, just thinking.
- Finger painting.

4. Where do I want to go?
- Italian countryside, Senegal, Germany, Australia, Anywhere in South America, Belize, Portugal, Prince Edward Island, Seattle, Maine, NYC, home to family, the rural south, Northern California

5. What gifts would I love to use?
- Listening, baking, sewing, imagination, teaching, making people feel special, understanding what people are really trying to say, organizing, solving problems, rebelling against authority, giving a sh**t, seeing a need and figuring out how to bring a solution, empowering people, giving money away, using money wisely, saving for my kids.

6. What kind of chance meeting would feel miraculous?
- A rural doctor, who is a mom, who loves simple things, and has made a difference & is down-to-earth and will share her expertise
- A group of passionate medical students who care more about homeless healthcare than about med school itself
- Berkeley Free Clinic people moving to GA and helping me setup a healthcare clinic with access for all
- Someone who knows how to write grants, or has connections to grants, who can bring the write people and money and supplies together to help get a rural clinic started.
- A public health researcher who needs assistance who will take me on to study infections disease/rural challenges and will help me get established to publish paradigm changing studies on infectious disease and rural health

7. What would I like to learn?
- How to set up a rural clinic
- How to empower people
- How to balance family and healthcare dreams
- How to support my husband in his dreams
- How to raise joy-filled kids with wild imaginations, tender hearts, and love of learning.
- How to keep a house organized
- How to save lives
- How to encourage natural childbirth & nursing
- How to make my own clothes
- How to sustain ourselves on our own produce from our own farm
- How to trust in church again
- How to find a tribe of friends
- How to sustain friendships over distance

8. In what miraculous way am I longing to surrender?
- To surrender my self-concern and strike up conversations with strangers.
- To thank the mothers I see who nurse in public
- To put aside my lists and stay down on the floor, playing with the boys all day
- To surrender to the call of the outdoors
- To surrender to household duties without avoiding them

9. What expressions of gentleness towards myself would be a dream come true?
- Not worrying about my weight
- Finding my innocence and true self and honoring that
- Finding my frivolous fun self, and letting the serious goal-oriented self rest a bit

10. What emotion am I longing to experience?
- The relief of fighting for and helping someone to live despite the odds.
- The pride of the first day of Medical school
- The joy of watching my boys discover their life's joy
- The joy of watching my husband fulfill his life's calling

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